Offline shopping is dead, is a myth in the retail businesses. You heard that right. It’s as alive as you want it to be. That’s if you want to grow both ways: in the digital and real world. But people don’t visit shops anymore. How to bring them back and cross the glass wall?, you ask.

Well, here’s the good news. Digital marketing isn’t only for digital growth. You can solely market on social media and mobile and still increase footfalls on your retail shop floor. All you get to deploy is a super-targeted promotional strategy via SMS marketing.

Here’s a tiny guide to digitally market through texts and bring people back to your retail shops.

How Targeted Promotions Help Drive More Business

Targeted promotions mean advertising and offering products (and services) based on customers’ needs. They help you share apt products with those looking for them. Targeted promotions escalate your chances manyfold because people can’t ignore favorable communication.

Say you run a retail shop for apparel, shoes, bags, and jewelry—everything contemporary. You recently launched a segment of products inspired by the 90s fashion. You’re not yet sure who might like this idea. So, you only target the new designs to those who appreciate them by narrowing down to a segment of users who’d spent their teenage years and twenties in the ‘90s.

Most of these people won’t find the fashion weird. In fact, they might connect with the inspired products because of nostalgia. And that’s why you should target the right segment with a targeted promotional strategy.

Such marketing that hits right on the emotions, either through nostalgia, catering to the needs, or filling the gaps, develops and strengthens customer relationships. It makes users feel appreciated, pampered, and heard. Targeted promotional marketing also improves customer satisfaction and loyalty and, if done correctly, can bring in referrals.

Now, let’s see how you can use targeted promotions through text marketing and increase footfalls in your store.

Ways to Drive Customers to Your Retail Store With SMS Marketing

  1. For Loyal Customers: Offer Bonus

    Nothing makes customers feel prouder than being special. And their earned loyalty feels no less.

    So, sift through your SMS subscriber database and pull the names of loyal customers. SMS them deals and invite them to the closest stores.

    Remember to personalize this message by finding their nearest store location and sending them directions, addresses, or landmarks. Ask them to redeem a loyalty discount within a limited period in your store and see the crowd swelling.

  2. For New Customers: Ask for a Referral

    Dig into your database and identify who your new users are. Even better if they’ve rated your services or products. SMS them store-only referral codes for their friends and a promise of discount for themselves.

    Once the code is redeemed, send your users a gift voucher—redeemable at stores. Your new and satisfied users would happily buy again at some discount.

    Remember, their referees should visit your store with the referral code. However, getting out of the house and traveling need some push. So, the referral code must bring in offers worth the referrals’ efforts.

  3. For Premium Users: Offer Shop-Only Deals

    Users who know and love your brand are more likely to take the pain and visit your stores as they’ve invested their trust in your brand. So, build a premium club from your database—users who buy at your online or offline stores often or spend bulk amounts in one go.

    Hook them with tempting store-only offers. Remember not to release the products online they’re keen to buy to increase foot traffic in the brick-and-mortar outlets. Maybe run an exhibition for affluent members in partnership with local artisans and dealers. People who like to splurge do appreciate local artists.

  4. For Weather Minders: Exclusive Sale Behind the Door

    Yes, online sales are common these days. Christmas and New Year sales, Thanksgiving, and Black Friday discounts. But that doesn’t stop you from running the same in your stores.

    Maybe plan exclusive sales in the summers and on those pleasant days when people love to go out. Learn about the favorable weather conditions around your stores’ locations. Introduce sales exclusive in your stores according to the weather.

  5. For Fussy Buyers: Store-Only Products

    Many users in the retail segment like to try a lot of apparel, shoes, and other products before buying a single piece. Such choosy, or may we dare call them fussy, buyers might avoid shopping on your website because they cannot try products.

    For all such users, stores are the perfect place to shop. So, dig the names of those who often return products, complain about quality, delivery, or other aspects, or abandon their carts regularly. Introduce images and video glimpses of products similar to their purchases with MMS marketing and tag them as store-only stuff. Make the promo as alluring as possible, and wait to see the increasing count of customers in your shop.

    Advanced And Versatile2

    Ready to Run SMS-Based Personalized Messages Today

    If you’re ready to launch your SMS marketing strategy, you need a partner. And if you’re not, seek a partner today who can help you chalk out a plan and help you throughout the trial runs and with scaling.

    Textmunication offers expert assistance with their 14 years of experience in text marketing. Reach out to our team of experts and get a 30-day free trial.


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