Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our FAQs. Here you can explore frequently asked questions and get the answers you are looking for. If there is a question you have but cannot find the answer to, please feel free to contact us.

How is text message marketing not SPAM?
At Textmunication we hate SMS marketing SPAM just as much as the next person. To make Textmunication 100% SPAM free, each SMS campaign is opt-in only. This means that only the customers who want your messages will receive your messages. No one else, period.
Who owns the data?
You own all the data, we just store it securely for you.
Do you share any of my data with anyone else?
No, never. It’s your data and we keep it confidential.
Is my data safe?
Safer than Fort Knox. We don’t mess around when it comes to your data’s safety and security.
Can I export my data?
Anytime you want, just send us an email and we’ll export it into a .CSV file you.
Does anyone else get to send text messages to my subscribers?
Never. You’re the only person with access to your Textmunication account, which means you’re the only one who can text message your subscribers..
How much does Textmunication cost?
Textmunication starts at just $24/month for unlimited text messaging at up to 250 subscribers. This also includes unlimited SMS keywords.
Are there any setup fees?
No, none at all.
How will I be billed for Textmunication?
Textmunication charges a monthly subscription fee based on the amount of SMS subscribers you have in your account. Each Textmunication subscription plan comes with unlimited text messages and SMS keywords.
Are there any hidden fees?
Unlike the local used car dealership, Textmunication shows you upfront the exact monthly price you will be paying to use our SMS service.
Do you charge per text message or per subscriber?
We charge you for the amount of subscribers in your Textmunication account. You get free, unlimited text messages with each account. Enjoy!
When you say unlimited text messages, do you really mean it?
Here at Textmunication we don’t joke about something as serious as unlimited text message marketing. When we say unlimited, we really mean it. Send an unlimited amount of text messages with Textmunication.
Do I need to sign a monthly contract?
At Textmunication we don’t lock you into a contract, allowing you to cancel at anytime if you aren’t 100% satisfied.
When will I be billed?
Textmunication bills monthly for the total amount of SMS subscribers in your account.
Will I receive a receipt when I’m billed?
Yes, every month you will receive a receipt of payment in your email inbox for the Textmunication service.
Will my subscribers be charged for messages?
Textmunication only sends standard rate messages, which means your SMS subscribers won’t be charged anymore than if you were to text message them from your own mobile phone.
Do you accept check payment?
No, only plastic. Sorry.
Will I be charged for opt-ins, replies and opt-outs?
Textmunication only charges for the amount of SMS subscribers you have in your account, which means all text messages are always free. Every single one.
What about upgrading when I get more subscribers?
No need to worry about upgrading, we automatically upgrade your account on your next billing cycle if you surpass the amount of SMS subscribers that is included in your current subscription plan.
Do you charge more for additional keywords or campaigns?
Unlike other SMS providers that charge anywhere from $15-$30 per additional SMS keyword, Textmunication allows you to create as many SMS keywords and campaigns as you want for free.
Really, unlimited SMS keywords and campaigns?
yes we have that plan as well.
How are subscribers counted under my account?
Your subscriber lists are independent of each other and if a subscriber is on more than one list in your account they will be counted for each instance. Lists in your Textmunication account don’t talk to other lists or share any information, so you would be charged for each instance of an phone number that appears on multiple lists.
Is the free trial really free?
Yes, 100% free. So free that we don’t even need you’re credit card to set up.
Are there any limitations to the free trial?
The only limitation on the free trial is that you can only create one of each type of SMS campaign (Mass Messaging & Autoresponders). Besides that, during the free 7-day trial, you can send as many text messages and have as many SMS subscribers as you like.
How long is the free trial?
The free trial lasts for 7 days. Long enough for you to fall in love with Textmunication, or at least that’s what we expect.

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