The Opt-in and Opt-out Process
We are here to simplify the law for you, so you can
worry more engagement and less about restrictions
The Opt-in and Opt-out Process
We are here to simplify the law for you, so you can worry more engagement and less about restrictions
Opting in
What is opting in and what does it mean when a mobile subscriber opts-in to your text message marketing program? In the contexts of your marketing program, when a consumer opts-in they are deciding that they want to be involved with your SMS (text message) marketing program and would not mind that your business texts them. Makes sense right? Under TCPA statute, a form of written consent must be established first. It is a crucial step and is important for the integrity and growth of your mobile marketing strategy. Now you may be asking, what are appropriate methods for gathering written consent? With Textmunication gaining mobile subscriber consent is easy through our interactive attribution models.
Attribution Channels
Our service gives marketers attribution channels, which are part of our lead generation tool set. These are self-service opt-in methods that help our clients grow their mobile audience. When your mobile audience engages with these opt-in sources they understand that it constitutes as their signature of consent.
Keyword opt-ins are one of the most
common forms of a consent based
opt-in channel. Mobile users simply text
a keyword to the instructed short code and
they are opted in.

Keyword opt-ins are one of the most common forms of a consent based opt-in channel. Mobile users simply text a keyword to the instructed short code and they are opted in.

Web form
Web forms opt-ins are another form of a
consent based opt-in channel. Web form
signees simply value the form with their
information and they are opted in.

Web form
Web forms opt-ins are another form of a consent based opt-in channel. Web form signees simply value the form with their information and they are opted in.

Keypad opt-ins are another form of a
consent based opt-in channel. Potential
subscribers simply enter their number and
they have opted in.

Keypad opt-ins are another form of a consent based opt-in channel. Potential subscribers simply enter their number and they have opted in.

By opting into the web form, keypad or keyword above you are providing consent for Textmunication to send you periodic text messages. Standard message rates may apply. You can reply HELP at anytime to learn more. You may opt-out anytime by replying STOP.
You have probably seen fine print like this next to the end of the instruction of your opt-in source. It is best practice to include a standard disclaimer that describes the intentions of your text marketing program.
Opting out
What is opting out and what does it mean when a mobile subscriber opts-out of your text message marketing program? Again, in the contexts of your marketing program, when a consumer opts-out they are deciding that they do not want to be involved with your SMS (text message) marketing program any further. Under TCPA statute, opting out is a right that should always be available to your mobile subscribers and should be as seamless as the process it took for them to opt-in. To opt-out consumers have to reply to your shortcode message thread with “STOP” to unsubscribe. Or they can inquire directly with the mobile marketing service provider regarding their request.

Standard Disclaimers for Text Marketing Programs
By opting into the web form, keypad or keyword above you are providing consent for Textmunication to send you periodic text messages. Standard message rates may apply. You can reply HELP at anytime to learn more. You may opt-out anytime by replying STOP.
You have probably seen fine print like this next to the end of the instruction of your opt-in source. It is best practice to include a standard disclaimer that describes the intentions of your text marketing program.
Opting out
What is opting out and what does it means when a mobile subscriber opts out of your text message marketing program? Contrastingly to opting in, when a consumer wants to opt out it means that they do no want to be involved with something. Particularly, when a mobile subscribers opts out of your text message marketing program it means that the consumer would no longer like to receive SMS (text messaging) campaigns from you. Under TCPA statute, opting out is a right that should always be available to your mobile audience and should be as seamless as the process it took for them to opt-in. Generally to opt out, consumers just have to reply to your shortcode message thread with “STOP” to unsubscribe.

Summary of the Law
In 1991 congress enacted the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).
It has been revised to conform with marketing practice today by the FCC. The Act defines the rules that must be followed before engaging in marketing
practices, which most simply states that you must gain a form of consent through
a disclosed process.

Summary of the Law
In 1991 congress enacted the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). It has been revised to conform with marketing practice today by the FCC. The Act defines the rules that must be followed before engaging in marketing practices, which most simply states that you must gain a form of consent through a disclosed process.