If you’re running a food business of any scale, your audience hangs around online food ordering apps. If not all, most of them. That opens numerous channels to interact with them and increases your revenue every month. And thoughtfully done SMS marketing for the food industry is the fastest and easiest game plan to achieve this because of the highest read rate.
If you trust the marketing experts, food chains, restaurants, cloud kitchens, and cafes should exploit the potential of text marketing strategy for a booming business. Because there aren’t many players banking on the benefits yet.
Let’s help you understand the profits of using SMS in your promotional plans.


Benefits of SMS Marketing in the Food Industry

  1. Customer Base Growth and Sales Boost
    What is one thing that helps you stay on the top of your consumers’ minds even during pandemics, natural calamities, and political, economic, & social unrest? A strong brand recall value. It doesn’t let your users forget your services, even if they aren’t ordering food from your kitchen.
    SMS marketing is just the thing you need to create a powerful brand recall factor. Because the power to seize consumers’ memories helps grow users’ database, it can eventually bring steroid-like results to your sales.
    Invite users to opt-in for your SMS updates during feedback, transactional messages, reservation screen, online forms, or website popups. However, never forget to offer your users unsubscribe options. If only a handful of users choose to opt in every day, your CRM data grows with time.
    SMS is the fastest way to update your audience and not leave them in a dilemma. When you send them booking confirmations, transactional messages, event reminders, or occasional offers timely, their trust grows in your business.
    Stronger trust warrants better business and more revenues. It isn’t a magic wand that opens treasures with one swish. Slowly, your business grows with better user engagement and consistent mobile marketing with SMS and MMS. Read ahead to know.
  2. Better User Engagement with Personalization and Consistency
    By updating subscribed users about menu updates, new venues, and events, you can stay at the top of your mind. Consistency is the key here. Don’t just stop at a welcome message and a discount voucher for new users.
    Know your users well, and segment their database based on their demographics and preferences. When you send personalized messages and offers, consumers feel pampered. For instance, a “buy one, get one” offer to students on friendship days and “couple special dessert” on valentine’s day is a treat for the right audience. Gym fanatics would love you for sending them deals on a new protein-based, low-carb, fibrous menu.
    The best way to personalize your texts is by addressing your users with their names. Running a helpdesk that’s one SMS away is another great way to engage with users. Solve their issues and answer their questions to get in their good books.
    But don’t forget that engagement is not a one-time activity; you have to keep at it forever. For the best results, experiment with time and frequency.
  3. Popularity and Footfalls with Joint Ventures
    Not everything in marketing speaks directly to customers. Many indirect approaches exist for your growth. Sometimes you have to loop in people who can be your ambassadors. These representatives help you gain more popularity and aid your business expansion.
    Connect with food bloggers, travel writers, social media influencers, and event organizers. By offering heavy discounts to bloggers and writers in return for genuine reviews and social media promotions, you can reach indirectly to a new set of consumers. Their followers become your network.
    Event organizers help you get in touch with corporates and influential individuals for parties and catering services. Likewise, social media influencers promote your brand in return for big gift coupons and free meals. And nothing works like a charm than words of mouth, reels, and vlogs when done artistically.
    So, keep your ambassadors updated about your latest offerings and news with mobile marketing using SMS and MMS.

    Bonus: Traction by Sharing Knowledge

    People are hungry for tips and knowledge nuggets despite having the internet at an easy reach. Reason: When it comes from their preferred brands, they absorb the information with trust. Also, your audience craves such tiny useful snippets because people love “TL;DR”, not long articles.
    Circulate the latest food inventions and discoveries, nutritional tips, healthy meal ideas, and food trivia using SMSes and improve your customer relationship. After all, who doesn’t want to have a trustworthy mini encyclopedia on their phones?

    Talk To Sales


    Launch your SMS-based Campaigns Today

    Food is a daily need. But that doesn’t mean people must always depend on your business. Because this need can be catered to at home. So, your marketing approach should penetrate as deeper and wider as possible. And even if you face downtime, your strong connection with your consumers wouldn’t push you out of their minds.
    SMS marketing does that for you. But if you still have reservations or are already into it but haven’t achieved good results, worry not. Textmunication experts are here to help. Connect with us and boost your marketing plans without slaying your budget.


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