Our team decided to create this article because we believe if you are a business you have a corporate social responsibility for your community. In this time we encourage you to visit The Center For Disease Control to learn ways to keep you, your family and your community safe.

SMS For Emergency Alerts Asset

Emergencies are inevitable and it is important that we have the tools we need to share and transact valuable information that could support our overall understanding and any safety precautions. Right now the whole world is experiencing a pandemic called the Coronavirus (COVID-19). There is a lot of information that is being passed from enterprise and local level news channels about what it is, how it started, what preventative measures we need to take and also most important treatment protocols that have to be followed. This is where SMS messaging software can be modeled to serve as an emergency text alert system.

The Immediacy Of An SMS Emergency Alert System

Public safety officials have a huge responsibility when it comes to public emergency updates. They have to be able to reach huge volumes of people and do it quickly. That is why governments and public safety officials choose SMS-based emergency alerts systems because it is the most reliable, ubiquitous, and used form of communication to date. Also, the cultural receptiveness surrounding the medium also ensures message deliverability to mobile phone users. It is also the reason why text messages have an open rate on average of 90% within 3 minutes.

Geo-poll Capabilities Using SMS Marketing

A super important feature that can be modeled using Textmunication’s mobile engagement platform SAM as an emergency alert system is geo-polling. Geo-polling capabilities can be used to get data specific information based on location or other attributes about the wellbeing of your subscriber list. For example, you can send an SMS campaign with a questionnaire that helps operators get important insight by probing.

Question: Have you been tested for Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Keyword reply: Yes

Keyword reply: Scheduled

Keywords reply: No

Question: Have you visited a place with more than 50 people in the last week?

Keyword reply: Yes

Keyword reply: No

Question: Are any public events canceled in your area?

Keyword reply: Yes

Keyword reply: No

This type of data can be used to improve situational awareness and provide useful information for public safety organizations when they are conducting their due diligence.

Textmunication As An SMS Emergency Alert System

Enhancing communication is the primary goal in the state of an emergency. Using Textmunication’s mobile engagement platform SAM as an emergency text alert system can be a solution to your communication needs in an emergency scenario. Whether you are an education institution, government body, or healthcare organization an advanced emergency alert system should be apart of your emergency preparedness plan.

Our team decided to create this article because of our belief in the seriousness of this pandemic. It may not be the young and healthy that are at risk the most, but those with serious health conditions and ailments. If you would like to find out more about how you can model Textmunication’s mobile engagement platform SAM as an emergency text alert system please contact us. Please be safe and be conscious of hygienic and sanitary practices so we can protect those around us.


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