Marketing is ubiquitous and indispensable for businesses. But marketing is risky too. You might not reap as you expected when you invested a big sum of your profits in promotional activities. However, one thing you can do is choose the right tools and channels to make marketing effective.

While many brands are still prejudiced about SMS marketing, it’s been the most efficient vehicle to drive efficiency with your finances. Here are some reasons why and how SMS marketing gives you the best results with your RoI.

Why MMS and SMS Marketing and Communication are Cost Efficient?

  1. Pricing

    Costing is the best part of SMS marketing tools compared to any other marketing channel. Most of the time, you spend hardly one to two pennies per SMS.To put things into perspective, Textmunication offers you flexibility based on your country and the monthly volume of the messages. With the lowest pack being a set of 4000 messages at only $99.99 a month, you can scale up as and when needed. Since our SMS marketing software, SAM, is cloud-based, scale up and down anytime based on your needs and pay as you go.

    And we don’t obligate you to buy without thorough testing. You can opt for a trial plan, which lasts for 30 days and needs no credit card information. This means with your marketing strategy planned beforehand, you can go full throttle from day one and start reaping benefits within your trial period.

    Don’t worry if you’re not ready with a strategy. We can do that for you.

  2. Scaling Up

    Business needs might change anytime. You might want to expand your marketing strategy in the middle of your ongoing plan. So, we offer flexibility. A customized plan—yes. Want to cancel? OK. We would be upset to see you go but go if you must, without any cancelation charges.Our plans offer 2 keywords for your marketing needs. Say you have a new idea on promotions and want to get one more keyword other than those 2. Worry not; you just need to pump an extra $10 bill. Isn’t it exciting?

  3. Integration

    With negligible effort, you can integrate the SAM API with your current CRM and other marketing tools. You don’t need to invest in building a user database from scratch. All you need is permission to text users. And that’s a need for all the best SMS marketing and communication software available in the market according to the regulatory guidelines. So, SAM doesn’t demand extra sweating.

    The mingling of SAM with your tools is seamless and quick. And you don’t need to bring in extra technicians for this. We offer complete support and thorough documentation created by our developers themselves.

  4. White Label

    We understand that not all businesses market for their own products. Marketing agencies and advertising companies have clients for whom they need flexible solutions that offer to rebrand. Or, if you have multiple companies, you can buy one package and rebrand based on the company you’re marketing for.With SAM, you just buy our solution, and like any third-party tool, customize the look and the feel, fonts and graphics, color scheme, and logo for your clients. Or your subsidiaries.

    Learn more about white-label SMS marketing solution from Textmunication.

  5. Performance

    The strongest pillar that holds the fort of text marketing is the users’ response. If done by keeping best practices in mind, SMS marketing benefits are numerous. With its 98% read rate and standing tall with a preferred rate of 64% for booking appointments, one SMS can reach your audience faster and deeper.Since it provides more market coverage for less money with better results, what else would you need to communicate with your users regularly?

    Read our in-depth guide to SMS marketing for success in 2023.

How To Drive Cost Efficiencies with SMS Marketing?

Personalize Your Messages

We can’t stress personalization to engage the users the right way. First name, timely reminders, and swift communication for their problems—do it all with a little bit of human touch.

Play with Time and Frequency

Get your SMS frequency every month set based on some testing. Know when your users are awake and using mobiles—lunch hours, after office, traveling time. Utilize the data about their locations and working hours.

Seek Consent

Goes without saying permission is a strict ethic in mobile marketing with SMS and MMS. Missing this, and you might see more churn than ever.

Offer Opt-Out Route

Just because your users have agreed doesn’t mean they never want to not see your texts. Make it easy for them to unsubscribe from your updates. Use STOP or another keyword in your texts. We mean all texts.

Value for Money

Not just promote but also share knowledge and ideas, tips, and fun facts. Users, after all, want to smile and learn, too, other than doing business with you.

Seize Opportunities

With location sensing, know where your users are and offer them goodies and discounts if they walk into your stores.


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Launch your SMS-based Campaigns Today

Whether you’re a new player in SMS marketing or have been using the strategy for ages, you always need a good partner to work with. And we have been performing well in this industry for 13+ years with a gamut of clients from all domains and various market sizes. If you seek services above par in the industry, look nowhere. Talk to our textperts today.


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