Textmunication brings you Text Talk March, our monthly newsletter where we present the latest news on our software advancements, hand selected industry insights and other important topics regarding text marketing.


Another year filled with opportunity on the horizon. It is almost the start of spring, the season after winter and before summer, where vegetation begins to appear. We hope 2021 is off to a great start for you and you are gaining traction on what your team is set out for. We recently spoke with a client regarding her experience with using our Textmunication’s services and she told us “It is almost more important now than it was before”. Definitely speaks on the impact that direct engagement technology like text marketing provides. You can always review our customer success stories for inspiration and learn more about how others are finding success using SMS in our current economic condition.


Furthermore, in brief we will cover:


  • Software enhancements
  • 10DLC shift and overview


Help video icon added


Our vision has always been to make SAM a self-serve platform structurally, but not in a way that is speaks here is all this long form documentation you have to spend hours looking through to get started. Our ideas have been a bit different. We always have wanted it to be a self servicing platform where you have 24/7 high quality video support. That is why we added how to videos in every section which detail feature set up and navigation. The areas we have added help video directory on is our dashboard, campaigns, autoSMS, keywords, webforms, subscribers, loyalty rewards, SAM features, media inserts, reporting and subaccounts sections. Check them out now by logging in!


Message insert _CODE added


We understand how important those alphanumeric codes can be for filling up shopping carts. Whenever I see one, I am reluctant to populate it in the promo code field to see how much I can save. Codes are great interactive elements to promotions. Now we made it easier to include in your campaigns. Just add _CODE in the specific part of your message body that you would like the promo code to be positioned. For example:


  • Hi FIRST_NAME! We have a surprise for you
  • Check out txhd.io/s/#hvx8 and use _CODE


Message credits usage alerts


We know that the times get busy and message activity can be hard to track and strategize around. Reminders are helpful and can keep up on track. Now, SAM will let you know when you are close to reaching 75% of your message limit. 


Short URL generator added


We added another shortcut to our short URL generator in SAM. We got a lot of customer insight about this one and it made a lot of sense. We want to make the campaign creation experience as seamless and connected as possible without having users navigate to additional sections for tools they need.


Default payment profile in billing panel


As you may know we added the wheel of fortune which is our self service registration and billing component to the SAM experience. We updated the billing panel in SAM to allow users to create multiple payment profiles so it is easier to switch between a specific package, a one-time charge for a specific amount of message or an unlimited subscription.


This also means that the users has control over which payment profile is the default profile for future recurring billing cycles. It’s about giving our users more control over their experience.


Multipart messaging option


In the campaign center we included a message type panel that allows you to control the amount of credits that will be used for your next campaign. We thought this would be a helpful tool for our SAM operators, especially those users who are trying to send more long form SMS campaigns. With this update users should have a more clear amount of messages that are leaving the system based on the amount of recipients in the selected group.


Data cleanse cycle updated for failed messaging attempts


Getting what you paid for is something that we always strive to angle our product and service around at Textmunication. Which is why we adjusted the data cleansing logic to remove bad numbers as usable data after two failed attempts. This is important in maintaining the integrity of our operators mobile programs. At times we faced ambiguity in reporting because of how “Bad number” is defined in the perspective of  application to person engagement. A bad number essentially means that the number is not actually activated by a network provider and could have been entered incorrectly.


Text Talk March 2021 10dlc Graphical Header

There is a big shift that is taking place starting this month. Network providers are going to discontinue the provisioning of their shared short code services and they are introducing 10DLC services to replace it. 10DLC stands for 10-digit long code. 10DLC was set out to replace shared short codes back in 2018 from our team’s research. Although all network providers needed to come to agreement on the policy change to be industry wide.


10DLC will offer the throughput benefits that shared short codes offer as well as some additional benefits with campaign reporting. 10DLC is an effort for more regulation to surround text message marketing engagement. Why? Well since shared short codes can have thousands of businesses on the same code, if there are violations and the short code is suspended it will affect all the businesses who use that shared short code services for A2P messaging. Which is why 10DLC will offer more accurate security and less disruption.


Want to read more about the benefits of a 10DLC services with Textmunication? Click here.


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