What Are We Offering?

Increased Customer Engagement

Textmunication’s AutoSMS features can be used to send personalized messages to customers, increasing engagement and building stronger relationships.


Textmunication’s AutoSMS features are a cost-effective way to communicate with customers compared to traditional forms of advertising.

 Automated Communication

Textmunication’s AutoSMS features can be used to automate communication processes, saving time and improving efficiency.

 Improved Customer Service

Textmunication’s AutoSMS features can be used to send appointment reminders, service reminders, and follow-up messages, improving customer service and satisfaction.

 Lead Generation

Textmunication’s AutoSMS features can be used to generate leads by sending automated messages to potential customers.

Customizable Messages

Textmunication’s AutoSMS features allow for the customization of messages, including the ability to add multimedia content like pictures and videos.

Detailed Reporting

Textmunication’s AutoSMS features provide detailed reporting and analytics, allowing dealerships to track the success of their SMS marketing campaigns.

Compliance with Regulations

Textmunication’s AutoSMS features are compliant with industry regulations, ensuring that dealerships are following best practices.

Easy Integration

Textmunication’s AutoSMS features can be easily integrated with existing dealership management systems, making it easy to incorporate SMS marketing into current processes.


Textmunication’s AutoSMS features are optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that messages are easy to read and navigate on smartphones and tablets.

Ideas on how to include text messaging in your strategy

Appointment Reminders

Service Reminders

Automated Responses

Lead Generation

 Follow-Up Messages

Personalized Messaging

Feedback Requests

Mobile Phone Asset On Industry Pages Version 1

Learn how to develop a text message marketing strategy for your industry

Text Muscle to 87365

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