Not everybody uses an email provider, even in these days of a digital storm. But you can’t think of a person not using a smart mobile phone for communication. And that makes your outreach endeavors to your customer base easier than you can imagine. Because SMS!
Bulk SMS marketing has provided leverage to businesses to get in touch with their users in a blink of an eye. With bulk SMS, you can gain so much for your business. Why? Let’s walk you through some crucial details of bulk SMS marketing and its benefits for a business.

What is Bulk SMS Marketing?

Bulk SMS marketing is used in mass outreach where brands send updates, notifications, and messages to their customers via text. Owing to its speed, open rate, response rate, and low cost, SMS marketing is highly used by brands and marketers. SMS, being delivered instantly and with high surety, is considered a great route to reach out to users.
Text marketing is highly recommended for time-sensitive deliveries, is secured better, and is less spammy than emails. Let’s delve deeper into the advantages of SMS marketing.

Benefits of Bulk SMS Marketing

  1. Inexpensive yet Multifaceted
    Since you must shell out money to make money, more investment in your existing marketing might seem a burden. But bulk SMS marketing comes easy on your pocket. And it has a good ROI, too.
    Textmunication offers you sending an SMS at a few cents, and our pricing starts at $99.99 per month per 4K messages. You can choose a customized plan, too, that suits your needs and your growing brand communication needs.
    Also, you can use this channel for reminders on new stock, due dates, promotions, help desk, and many more services. Despite its simplicity and limited length, the versatility of SMS marketing is not limited and is as good as an email.
  2. Easy
    Most marketing software these days are meant for busy marketers. They are designed to save your time from day one rather than demanding a time-taking learning curve.With most SMS marketing software like Textmunication’s SAM, you can just plug and play the tool with your CRM, POS, and other marketing programs. You don’t need to brainstorm the integration process. You can configure and start using any SMS marketing tool in your customer outreach process within the same day.
    With 8.6B mobile subscriptions globally—even higher than the population—you can imagine why SMS is the easiest channel to reach your users. You don’t even need them to be on social media or the internet.
  3. Success Rate
    With a 98% open rate of an SMS, bulk SMS marketing can take you places compared to email marketing. Most texts get opened within 90 seconds of their arrival, and 9 out of 10 get a read within three minutes. Isn’t that a speed you appreciate your users to respond with?
    If this has not startled you, immerse yourself in the joy that Gartner claims a 45% response rate on SMS by your users.
    If branded properly, 45% of your potential and existing customers are likely to respond to your SMS. That means, if you mark your bulk SMSs with your company’s name, you can stand out among spam and can garner more eyeballs. Personalization, discussed next, is another tactic to get higher leverage with SMS marketing.
  4. Personalization
    Users don’t like to be addressed as a crowd but as real people. They like to be engaged, pampered, and feel special. So, sending mass messages that hook only a handful of people is easy to avoid, even in bulk SMS. Because so much is available through market research and social media listening, you can personalize your SMS based on your target audience.
    With Textmunication’s Smart Automated Messaging platform (SAM), you can personalize your messages. For instance, send your target audience discount codes they have been craving for. Remind them about the pending bill payment and deadlines for prompt responses. You can personalize based on:
    • Name, age, gender,
    • Customers’ journey
    • Location and profession
    • Opted offers and recent purchases
    • Last communication and feedback
    • Holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries
    • Social comments and current sentiments
  5. Jet Speed
    If you wish to convey your message at lightning-fast speed, SMS is the right way. People on holidays, long travel, and outages may miss your emails and social media posts. But SMS reaches your users fast. Because of this advantage, more than 50% of the marketing community relies on SMS for reaching out to their consumers, according to TechJury.SMS also has the fastest turnaround time because 88% of the phone users use texting options, according to them. When 49% of the clients opt-in to receive SMS, why not bank on this marketing style then?

Bul SMS Marketing Contact


How Textmunication Can Help You with Bulk SMS Marketing

Looking for a partner to get help with your bulk SMS marketing at an affordable pricing structure? That too, customized? Then you’re at the right place. We, at Textmunication, offer a Smart Automated Messaging platform or SAM—a cloud-based SMS and RCS messaging system. Our team of skilled and specialized experts can help you with the smooth installation and configuration. Talk to our team here and mobilize your SMS marketing plans today.


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