In the journey of offering SMS marketing services and enriching customer engagement, Textmunication has grown by leaps and bounds. The last 14 years have been a great learning curve for the teams working here. Customers look forward to our upgrades and the benefits they would reap out of SAM—Smart Automated Messaging.

So, we decided to showcase the features of SAM, our heart-winning MMS and SMS marketing and communication software, a few at a time. This blog post features two highly appreciated benefits we offer via our text marketing tool, which make conversation with users easy and smooth.

SMS Marketing Features that Make Conversation A Breeze

  1. SAMteletext

    Ever wondered how your users would reach out to you if they just don’t want to use IVR calls? Chat, of course. And emails, but who had time to do this clunky job? Your users are already busy haggling with their issues. That’s why they want to approach you swiftly.

    So, we developed Textmunication’s SAMteletext for you. It converts IVR calls to text using Textmunication’s SAM app. It renders a better customer experience and increases your brand’s engagement because of several reasons:

    • Improved Accessibility

      By converting IVR calls to text, SAMteletext makes your services more accessible to people with speech and hearing impairments of all levels. Noisy zones, too, can’t frustrate your users now with interrupted voice transmission and call drops.

    • Increased Customer Satisfaction

      Text-based communication can help customers get the information they need quickly and easily in their hands without the frustration of navigating through a complex voice-based system.

    • Enhanced Clarity

      No more misunderstandings during an IVR call due to unclear or misinterpreted speech, noise, or call drops. Communication through SMS solves all these problems.

    • Easy References and Recall

      Text-based communication is easy to store, search through, and retrieve. Your audience can refer to previous conversations and important information later but might not easily recall an IVR-based past discussion without gaps.

    • Multitasking Friendly

      Text-based communication allows customers to multitask while communicating with your business, a more convenient option for busy customers. But an IVR call eats their time away as they’re focused on one issue.

    • Global Reach

      SMS-based communication crosses the barriers of language and time. Consumers might think twice before calling the helpdesk at night or traveling on a busy and noisy route. But text-based communication is a relief in these situations.

      With easy translation available with artificial intelligence, your non-English speaking audience would have a fluent conversation if you use SMSteletext.

    • Transcription Accuracy

      Using SAMteletext, transcription software accurately transcribes the spoken content of a call. This reduces the margin of error in capturing important information and leverages smooth communication.

    • Better Analysis

      Voice-based data is notorious for analysis; it’s a known fact. But with SAMteletext, once converted into text, voice calls are hassle-free to synthesize. They can be used further for training, quality improvement, and better business decisions.

    • Cost-Effective

      SAMteletext cuts the need for live agents, partially, if not completely, as it automates the chat system. Thus, making your helpdesk a cost-effective system compared to any IVR-based platform.

      Read about Textmunication’s pricing structure and decide a well-suited package for your business requirements.

  2. SAMchat

    Another feature in our spotlight today is AI-based SAMchat.

    Your users aren’t always available in your time zone. Or maybe, they just decided to shop in the middle of the night and faced an issue with your e-store. But it’s 1 AM, according to your business hours (and maybe theirs, too), and they can’t reach your helpdesk. Would you not cut their frustration by handling this out-of-working-hour issue?

    Otherwise, the result would be a churned or unsatisfied user. It’s better to assist them in all the ungodly hours, too, with simple assistance from technology.

    That’s why Textmunication’s SAMchat exists. We designed this feature in SAM to help you be present in every minute of your audience’s needs.

    SAMchat uses artificial intelligence and produces smart and unique answers to their queries. Most minor problems people face are keyed into the system with readymade responses. All your users have to do is throw their query as text and get an answer. Our intelligently-designed system probes further into the problem to reach the finer grains of the issue and provide precise answers.

    This helps your users log their issues without waiting for your helpdesk to start working. And if the AI-enabled chat can’t solve the issue, it diverts them to log a case with your helpdesk with a quick revert.

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Are You Ready to Communicate Right?

This series of feature blog posts by Textmunication will help you understand the benefits you get out of our product better. Should you still have questions or doubts, you can seek and schedule our one-on-one demo here.


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