There are a lot of opportunities to engage your donor base 365 days a year
Do you find that you are having difficulties retaining ongoing donor relationships? With Text providing a 98% open rate, there is a lot of opportunity for donor retention and engagement, but if you are only saying, Donate Now, you may find a significant drop off if that’s all your texting.
Text Themes For Weekly Campaigns
- Success Stories
- Get Intimate Share Your Passions
- Thank You Recognition
- Events; get them to Interact and Learn More
- Pledge Commitments
- Corporate Gift Matching
- Giving Tuesday
- Feels Good to give on your Birthday
Examples Campaigns for Loving NonProfits
Keyword Optin
[Brand Keyword] Thank you for joining the Loving NonProfits community. We will send a few Txts a month with vital info to support the cause MORE INFO (url shortened link)
[Brand Keyword] FIRST_NAME Loving NonProfits GOALS this quarter $1mil raised & still time to donate before year-end help us exceed goal DONATE NOW
Countdown Progress Goal
[Brand Keyword] FIRST_NAME Our GivingTuesday, Loving NonProfits Campaign is at 75% of goal & the clock is ticking. Please help us! DONATE NOW (insert Platform link for Countdown Clock and which link to donation page)
Individual Campaign (Manual)
[Brand Keyword] FIRST_NAME On behalf of Loving NonProfits, thank you for your donation. We can only achieve our goal with your help! (insert url shortened webform)
Birthday Wishes
[Brand Keyword] Happy Birthday, FIRST_NAME! It feels great to give, donate today for FB feature for Best Wishes & Thank You’s
Call for Volunteers
[Brand Keyword] FIRST_NAME Loving NonProfits can’t do this without your Support and our Amazing Staff, Meet the Team (insert link to staff/about webpage). Volunteers Welcome reply YesLP for info (Setup a separate keyword for responses)
[Brand Keyword] First_Name Loving NonProfits is built from community supporters. There are a lot of worthy organizations. Why do you choose us? Reply Why (no charge for incoming Text replies to Inbox)
[Brand Keyword] FIRST_NAME Loving NonProfits is organizing a Virtual Event. What day of the week and time works best for you next month, reply with answer (no charge for incoming Text replies to Inbox)
[Brand Keyword] FIRST_NAME Loving NonProfits has put together a Survey, and we would love your feedback click here for Survey: (insert link to online survey)
Success Stories Happy Friday
[Brand Keyword] First_Name Because of you, we were able to help this Loving NonProfits beneficiary; click (url shortened blog link) to read how your generous donation made this happen.
[Brand Keyword] Happy Friday, FIRST_NAME Loving NonProfits wants to share this amazing story with you. We couldn’t have made it happen without you! (insert link to Blog)
[Brand Keyword] FIRST_NAME FWD Form to your friends & family to signup to support Loving NonProfits You can post form Facebook too (insert referral form link)
Special Discounts
[Brand Keyword] FIRST_NAME Loving NonProfits is offering early access to discounted tickets for our Fundraiser purchase tickets CODE TxtU Offer Exp (use platform to create expiration)
Recurring Donations & Pledges
[Brand Keyword] Reply now with your PLEDGE Amount, and our team will personally contact you for next steps. THANK YOU for your Support
[Brand Keyword] FIRST_NAME Loving NonProfits Text LP$ to 52236 to signup for Recurring Donors Club & get a special gift + Discounted Event Tickets
[Brand Keyword] FIRST_NAME Loving NonProfits Donate $10 more a month for a year & support 4 more benefactors. Upgrade your recurring Donation here: (insert weblink)
Meet the Author:
Jeanavive Janssen from Textmunication
Click here to check out her Online Session From Blackbaud BBCON 2020 Virtual Non-Profit Conference.
Email her at jeanavive@textmunication to Book a Demo today.
Also, are you looking for more services to support your nonprofits? We have great partners from call Center Solutions to Marketing Agencies to Co-sponsored Free Text. We are like a family! Let us know what you need, and Jeanavive would be happy to make introductions.