Social media channels are too cluttered and noisy. Posts for your audience here get lost in the crowd. Email boxes might block your marketing messages as spam. Or rules swipe them away into a folder that never gets opened. No one likes to be phoned because it is bothersome. But SMS enjoys your users’ attention the most, which is apparent in its 98% open rate.

This immense reach isn’t the only reason we suggest using text marketing in your campaigns. Today’s post is about how to exploit the wonderful benefits of SMS marketing to make revenue.

Why and How to Bank on SMS Marketing for Profits?

  1. Best Reach and Engagement: Urgent Messages
    An SMS is known to reach faster and get opened too. So, bank on this feature by creating urgent messages. Words like “now”, “last day”, “never before”, “final”, etc. work wonders for the sales.Promote a limited-period sale with urgent messages. Keep your text short and crisp with a definite call to action. For instance, if your target is to gain more subscribers, seek referrals through a bonus. If you want more sales, launch a discount period for early birds. All you need to know is which offer can achieve your agenda through urgency.
  2. Interactive Messages: Polls and Quizzes
    An SMS isn’t technically limited to 160 characters anymore with the avalanche of smartphones. You can concatenate multiple messages into one at your customers’ end. Even better is the facility to embed graphics, links, videos, and interactive content. Such content make mobile marketing with SMS and MMS fun.You can utilize this feature in creating polls and quizzes. Interactive marketing content is known to garner more, sometimes twice, eyeballs from the audience than static content. So, poll your users via SMS. For instance, “Which form of exercise you prefer?” with 4 options to select from in a reply is a quick polling device. Polls with MCQs and quizzes with a shortened link to fill a crisp form are extremely useful in engaging your audience.
  3. Personalization: Deals and Coupons
    Don’t disregard the power of personalization when it comes to SMS marketing. In fact, texting is one channel where customized messages work most effectively because of the high response rate. Know your customer’s journey and offer them such incentives that don’t get ignored.For instance, if a user has abandoned their cart, offer them some deals on the products already in their cart. Reducing the price even by a small margin works so well. Allow your subscribers some bonus on additional shopping, like with a product bundle.Deals and vouchers are often the perfect attraction for users from all stages of their buying journey. Also, add some new subscribers to your list with personalized deals based on a user’s search history.
  4. Automation: Drip Marketing
    A major part of SMS marketing can be automated with prewritten text based on triggers and conditions. Automated messages to assist customers with their basic questions can be a lifesaver. Imagine responding to them promptly when they reach out to you in a different time zone or on holiday.This tactic is extremely useful in drip messaging based on your users’ questions or concerns. If a user sends HELP, share your basic user manual link. If a new user opts in, share a welcome message with a 5% discount voucher for their first purchase. If a churned customer reaches out, renew their yearly membership with 2 additional months in the subscription. Make your loyal users happy by sharing a 20% discount on their birthdays.All such messaging doesn’t need a lot of planning, just automation.
  5. No Spam: Sweepstakes and Contests
    SMSes like emails are less spammy in nature. Many marketing emails are moved by the email client to the junk folder with words like “offer” and “free”. But SMS is a trustworthy channel, more so because only permission-based marketing is legit in most countries and with mobile service providers.Use this advantage to run giveaways and sweepstakes. Since such offers are free and random, you can ask users to reply with one word and enroll them in SMS marketing. Once enrolled, you can select 5 new users for a gift. Suppose you’re a book store owner. Then you can send free copies of the latest nonfiction book to the first 10 subscribers. And 1 month of free services over an annual package to another 20 users.Who doesn’t love a lottery and gifts? So, you’re raising your chances of having more subscribers and better engagement.


Know More About SMS-based Campaigns Today

When used correctly and with proper tracking, you can learn who all opened your SMS, responded, and at what time. Bank on such metrics and tweak your plans to fit the text marketing strategy in promotional campaigns.

When you work with Textmunication, you aren’t buying a tool; you’re partnering with a team of experts with the industry and technology experience. Download Textmunication’s brochure to learn more about one of the best SMS marketing software in the market.


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