UCAN Chicago raised $45K for various scholarship programs in just 2 weeks using Textmunication’s SMS marketing tool (SAM). This social service organization that runs youth welfare programs also reached its annual benchmark of $21M. In the words of Tamara, the Associate VP:

“It helped to increase our ability to reach out to people with information about the event and about the award recipients”.

If you’re a nonprofit, a social service organization, or running any fundraising event, SMS marketing can be your weapon to involve as many patrons and volunteers as possible. Here’s how you can increase your outreach and fundraising with SMS campaigns.

How to Maximize Donor Outreach with SMS Marketing?

  1. Adapt Underrated Ideas

    By Using Text Marketing

    Don’t let your outreach go awash in the deluge of adverts or get buried in the junk folder of your target audience. Start using text marketing that registers a 98%* open rate and has a CTR of 10-15%* higher than email marketing campaigns.

    88%* of respondents often ignore business phone calls and unknown numbers, but 54%* of consumers want to receive promotions via text messages. Stats prove that with its lightning-fast speed, MMS and SMS marketing helps businesses more than most marketing avenues. And yet it’s underrated and underutilized.

    To start with text marketing, grow your SMS subscriber list and set a milestone from the first day.

  2. Offer Easy Opt Ins and Opt Outs

    By Seeking Permission

    Not just knowing your audience is important, you must also seek their permission to use SMS marketing for nonprofits. Either send them a form to agree and subscribe or seek their consent on your webpage or during a call. There may be several other ways, but why not use SMS itself?

    Post via social media platforms and other marketing programs that you seek their consent through an SMS, and share a short code to do this.

    By Letting Go

    Seeking permission is great. But offering a way out is even more important. No, you won’t lose the business or your volunteers. You’ll only strengthen their trust in your fundraising campaigns by offering them opt-out options.

    With every SMS you send, give them a choice to cease getting promotional content and updates. For instance, use below in your texts:

    “To stop receiving campaign updates, text STOP to 12345.”

  3. Grow Your Bonds

    By Personalizing

    Whatever stage you’re at in building your audience, you must personalize the content. This makes the audience feel pampered.

    Make sure to use an SMS program, like Textmunication, which allows you to use the first name. Know what users’ passions are. Most donors might care for one cause or two but not all you’re vouching for. The volunteers who care for the green cause might not be interested in devoting time to drug awareness.

    So, know the passions of your patrons and volunteers. Send them only relevant messages.

    By Minding the Time

    Don’t overdo your promotional campaigns. Charity and volunteering don’t fill most of your audience’s pockets. Know when the time is right to update them about the old and new causes.

    Text them during lunch hours, evenings, and on holidays. But not late in the night or early morning. That again means you must know the time zones of your donors and volunteers to avoid communication at night.

    Also, be wary about your texts’ frequencies. Don’t dump all your ideas every day in their inboxes. Send an update or promotion weekly or fortnightly to seek their attention.

  4. Reach Out to Supporters

    Invite Volunteers

    Event and fundraising program updates are the easiest way to add new volunteers. This also helps spread the word about your programs and endeavors. Let your audience clearly know about the unpaid opportunity so that you see only genuine turnouts.

    Seek Patrons and Donors

    If you maintain a good database of possible donors, philanthropists, and patrons, send them texts about your campaigns. Let them know your reasons for supporting the cause and the benefits of the program’s beneficiaries. Maintain transparency with your audience as much as possible and gain more enrolments.

  5. Appreciate Your Stakeholders

    By Thanking

    Donating to a cause or lending a helping hand is so humane you can’t not thank them enough. Show your gratitude by sending them greetings at festivals and on their special days. Express your gratitude on social media with their consent and put forward a word about your donors and helpers.

    By Offering Useful Content

    Offer your donors and volunteers exclusive content they might be interested in. For instance, send internal job opportunities to volunteer. Share blog posts and news updates based on their hobbies and interests with them. And opportunities in causes and programs they can relate with.

  6. Toolkit 1

    Textmunication MMS and SMS Marketing for Nonprofits

    If you’re a nonprofit seeking text marketing help, you’re at the right place. We’ve served various industries and businesses of all scales for over 14 years. Reach out to the team of textperts here and opt for a free trial today.


    * https://textmunication.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Textmunication_Brochure.pdf


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