Authors: The Textmunication Team | 4 min read

Learn about how SMS helps your deep linking efforts, what deep linking technology is and how it is a great opportunity for your business to share content directly.

What is Deep Linking?

Deep Linking connects a unique URL for searching a specific page in a mobile website or a mobile app. The user experiences seamless linking to the relevant content. When the user preloads a specific app and interacts with the ad, it leads to a specific page. For example, a user searches for a new shoe in his mobile browser. When the user clicks on the ad, it leads to the product page, not the home page. Deep linking can be used in several ways such as email, notifications, social media, and SMS. Deferred deep linking, contextual deep linking and standard deep linking are the few types of mobile deep linking.

Standard deep linking: It directs the user to a particular page of your app. If the app is not installed in the user device, then an error page will be displayed.

Deferred deep linking: If the app is installed in the user device, then the deferred deep links will direct the users to a specific page – otherwise it will lead users to the app store listing.

Contextual deep linking: These links are doing the functions of the standard deep linking and deferred deep linking. However, it has better relevancy and accuracy making it more advantageous for both the users and developers.

SMS campaigns are cost-effective and have a 97% open rate. The success of any marketing campaign depends on tracking the effectiveness of the campaign. Deep linking technology is one of the best ways of measuring the campaign’s ROI. You can send SMS links to your customers – promoting any sales or app installation enabling you to achieve success in the SMS Marketing campaign. A recent survey shows deep linking increases app downloads by 50% and food delivery orders by 90%.

How it works

Deep linking empowers app developers to drive user engagement. Deep links can direct users to specific pages within your app or other apps such as shopping cart, product page or home page. Deep linking has many positive benefits for engaging or re-stimulating your audience for the content they may have missed. Let’s explore some of those benefits below:

1. Enhance the User Experience: Deep links enable the users to access the content effortlessly.

2. Re-engage Users: A push notification link can be sent to the inactive app user. This will encourage them to engage with the app again.

3. Expands User Onboarding: You can deliver personalized app invites via contextual deep links. You may also provide offers or incentives during the onboarding flow on new clients.

4. Retention, Usage, and Engagement: Deep links push users to frequently use the app. Hence, the activation rate and the retention rate are high.

5. Strengthen Your Marketing: The deep link directs users to a particular page where they can purchase the product which increases revenue.

Optimize your business by doing SMS campaigns effectively. Textmunication can support your digital marketing campaign through its seamless SMS set-up process.


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