SMS marketing tops the chart among all the promotional methods for its read and open rates. You can bank on this benefit using automated text messages. Imagine a user abandoning their cart just before clicking on that purchase button. Your automated messaging system shoots a text and helps them resume if the desertion was a mistake. If not, sending a reminder the next day makes them rethink their decision. If they go back and make a payment, it’s a win for you. If they don’t, at least your brand is on the top of their mind.

But if you reach out to all such users through a manual process, your days will drown in only creating reminder texts. Automated text messaging comes to save your day here.

Let’s explain how automated messaging works and why you must implement it.

What Are Automated Text Messages?

Automated SMSes are text messages designed beforehand to be sent to customers in various instances. They can be scheduled before an event as a reminder. For instance, a reminder for a college admission deadline can alert all aspiring students. Welcome messages to new users or feedback requests on new purchases are some great ways to enhance customer experience.

Some use cases for automated text messaging are (but are not limited to):

• Welcome messages
• Feedback requests
• Event reminders
• Ticket booking and confirmation
• Abandoned cart reminders
• Transactional SMSes
• Sale promotions
• Gratitude notes

Why Implement Automated Text Messaging?

  1.  Easy on Clock
    The benefits of automated text messaging are numerous. And saving time is one of the topmost advantages. Scheduled messages help you connect with a wider audience without being on your toes.
    You can share alternate customer care options during nonworking hours. Trigger based text messaging saves your days because your customers might be doing a new thing every hour in their buying journey.
  2. Enhanced User Experience
    You can’t avail yourself all the time on social media, emails, or even SMS system for your users. But with basic automated SMSes in place, you can always reply to their needs and queries. This makes them feel pampered.
  3. Strong Customer Loyalty
    A pampered customer is your unofficial ambassador for promotions and a repeat buyer. Their referrals and word of mouth can get more leads and new users.
  4. More Sales
    A better response rate automatically equates to better conversion. When your automated SMS system reminds a user of their abandoned cart, the chances of resuming the purchase are higher. Likewise, sale time updates and promotional texts invite more users.
  5. 24×7 Engagement
    With automated SMSes, you don’t miss informing your users of crucial updates. They know about their successful purchase, transactional details, shipping, and delivery updates. And you don’t even need to work all the time when automated text messaging works 24×7 on your behalf.

How Automated Messaging Process Works

  1. Choose the Right SMS Marketing Partner
    When you plan to automate your SMSes, your SMS automation partner is the most crucial aspect. Look for a partner that’s not only value for money but also offers features necessary for automation. With user segmentation and analytics, your vendor’s tool should have the facility for trigger based and time-based SMSing.
    Read the 5 essential features your SMS marketing partner should have.
  2. Build Your Contact List
    Import all the contacts, or rather connect your CRM system with the SMS automation tool to bring all contacts under one umbrella. Don’t forget to seek permission to contact users with automated SMSes. Chucking permission-based marketing is the biggest mistake for businesses while engaging with users through text messaging.
    SAM by Textmunication allows you to maintain an extensive contact list.
  3. Automate Your Campaign
    Design your campaigns based on your segments and promotion criterion. Suppose you want to send out a reminder SMS to your users for an upcoming sale. Hit the segment where users have recently shopped, participated in similar sales earlier, or recently abandoned their carts. You can even widen your target audience according to the agenda.
    Create your promotional message in SAM’s campaign editor. Preview the campaign and fix the issues. Schedule the SMS to be sent out at the designated time and day. Automation of bulk SMS is a great way to remind all your users about a grand event.
  4. Launch the Campaign
    Once you have scheduled the automated campaign, you don’t need to sit and sweat in anxiety. SAM takes care of the scheduled SMSes without a glitch. You can also design automated responses to users’ queries on these campaigns.
  5. Measure the Growth
    After your campaign is successful, measure your KPIs through the dashboard, and share the results with key stakeholders. This is when you tweak your campaigns for better performance and more traction.

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Launch your SMS-based Campaigns Today

Automation of text messages might sound simple. But it can be tedious and overwhelming if you’re new to SMS marketing or your audience is enormous and vibrant. Hence, your SMS marketing partner has to be proficient and accommodative to handle and solve all your worries head-on.
When you partner with Textmunication, you get a team of experts and experienced professionals who work with various sectors and businesses of all scales. Should you need a great partner, contact us today.


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